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Photographic Dictionary (pictures of words)

Google Translate (Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Swahili)

WordReference (Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish - words)

Reverso (Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish - passages)

Chin Dictionary (Hakha)

Zolai Dictionary (Tedim)

Falam Dictionary (Falam)


FREELANG (Yoruba) (Tagalog)

Vietnamese Dictionary (Vietnamese)

Rewordify (helps you understand texts)

Learner's Dictionary (helps you understand words)

Thesaurus (helps you find synonyms & antonyms)




Are you going through a really tough time in your life? Have you been having suicidal thoughts? If there are people you trust, like family members, counselors, and/or teachers, please consider talking to those trusted adults about how you feel. If not, no worries—you are not alone. There are free lifelines (listed below) that you can call or text anytime. They can help you calm down, decide what to do next, or simply listen to what's on your mind. It's always okay to ask for help.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


Crisis Text Line


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.png
Crisis Text Line.png

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