Photographic Dictionary (pictures of words)
Google Translate (Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Swahili)
WordReference (Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish - words)
Reverso (Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish - passages)
Chin Dictionary (Hakha)
Zolai Dictionary (Tedim)
Falam Dictionary (Falam)
FREELANG (Yoruba) (Tagalog)
Vietnamese Dictionary (Vietnamese)
Rewordify (helps you understand texts)
Learner's Dictionary (helps you understand words)
Thesaurus (helps you find synonyms & antonyms)
Being an "advocate" means being brave enough to speak out and say something when you need to protect your well-being or the well-being of another person. If you want to be an advocate who is ready to stand up for yourself and your friends, this information is important to know!
Ask yourself how you are.
Ask your friends how they are.
Be aware of your feelings/actions.
Observe your friends' feelings/actions.
If you notice any of these warning
signs, take them seriously.
If you observe warning signs, here
are some ideas about what to do next.